Category: Optimal Health

Detox and Cleanse Your Life

You know that saying that “life got too busy that I forgot to breathe” or that “life escaped you so much that you missed your best friend’s wedding day” or those day-to-day petty dramas that got the better of you.  Life can leave you steamrolled and depleted, hence it is important to check in with your body, mind and spirit to ensure that you are on track and living your happy life path.

Tune in to yourself.  Listen to your body.  Quiet your mind.  Check in with your inner spirit.


Are You Feeling Out of Balance?

Are you tired of having to cancel on that quality time with your elderly mother, or of you crashing into bed at 8pm on that Friday night when you could be out having memorable fun with friends.

Or even worse stumbling at the grocery store, spraining your ankle on the sidewalk or having that road accident because you didn’t check blind spot because you were in such a hurry in that parking lot.

Something is out of balance on a cellular level internally and it’s not just you losing your balance when falling down on the street, or you crashing on to the bed from over exhaustion on a Saturday afternoon when you should be doing errands.


A detox goes beyond just the physical or dietary detox or eliminating certain foods, chemicals and synthetic substances from your diet.

It also speaks to detoxing topically as in what you put on your skin in terms of hygienic products, cosmetics and more.

Another form of detox is mentally, being mindful of your thoughts and feelings to ensure that you remain in a positive frame of mind and with clarity of clear and conscious living.  A detox also includes the type of people you surround yourself with, and ensuring that their energy and spirit inspires and uplifts you rather than drains you.  Detoxing emotionally also means finding peace with unresolved past hurts, issues and trauma that have not been properly processed and released.  These emotional karmic debt can accumulate into dis-ease physically or mentally.

It’s Time to Detox and Restore the Balance in Your Life

Restoration of the Body

It’s time to Eat Clean, Organic and Wholesome Food. 

Stop rushing with the fast food, those techy lunches and missed meals.  You are what you eat as it effects your body on a cellular level.  Eating healthy doesn’t mean depriving yourself of those treats and indulgences but instead being conscious about your choices of nutrition to ensure a portion balanced and colorful plate is key, and that all food groups are covered at every meal time and that the natural and essential minerals are consumed where possible.  A nutrient dense meal is crucial to your body’s optimal health and the functioning of your biological systems, rhythms and blood circulation.


Remember HYDRATION is key, as well as getting good restful and rejuvenating sleep.

A DETOX does not mean depriving your body of any food or drink.  Cleansing diets are way too aggressive on your body that it is important to know what you are “detoxing from” so that you can eat/do not eat certain foods, ingredients and chemicals for that given timeframe or permanently.  In most cases, detoxing requires diligence, discipline and focus when eliminating those triggering foods and inflammation reactions.

It is important not to starve while taking other food supplements or probiotic cultures that help clean out your gut, your intestinal flora and therefore detox the bacteria cultures in your digestive system.  One product that can help the detoxing process is Vita Biosa.

Visit Sweetgrass Naturals in Fort Langley for organic and natural products that cleanse the body, mind, spirit and your space.

It is important to know the properties and effects of the foods you eat based on the time of day, time of month or your varying stress levels.  The central nervous system and digestive system work together when it comes to digesting the enzymes, nutrients and mineral substances effectively.

A DETOX doesn’t just refer to what you consume internally or digest but also what you put on your skin, topical creams, soaps, gels as well as what your hands touch.

Refueling the Clarity of the Mind

It’s Time to Clear Your Mind and Cleanse your Thought Patterns.  Detox and restore the clarity in your mind from the automatic media programming into more authentic creative thinking and living your truth path.

It’s time to clear your mind from all that noise, day-to-day dramas, brain fog and fatigue that can bombard your head sending you into an overwhelming spin of mental stress and torment.

A detox for the mind includes mindful exercises including conscious breathing, square breathing, meditation, prayer, introspection, inner voice, obtaining insights, precognition and use of intuition.  Being able to find stillness in the mind is a challenge with the amount of mental media distraction in western society and especially when in a bustling city centre.


It is important to find your solitude in a beautiful panoramic vista, natural viewpoint or to immerse yourself in nature so that you can just be in the present moment to find that stillness regardless of time and space.

Unleash your Inner Spirit and Authentic You from the Heart

It’s time to open your heart and find your freedom to love unconditionally and top tap into your spirit.  It’s time to embrace your inner spirit and begin being your creative potential.


It is important to love, accept and forgive yourself unconditionally through your body, mind and spirit.  When there is nothing blocking you emotionally your spirit can be unleashed to be free to express itself organically and authentically without fear of judgment from others.

“Everyone needs some form of healing from the inside out.”

It is crucial that you find your happy place both internally and physically.  Where you can be at peace, find your inner peace, love and light.  Once you find your inner peace, you are able to open and expand your positive energy of love, peace and light to guide others to their happy place and creative potential.

Visit Sweetgrass Naturals in Fort Langley for organic and natural products that cleanse the body, mind, spirit and your space.

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

  • LifeSense | authentic living from the heart is your new best friend!
  • Your one-stop resource for a more authentic life, enabling you to reach your full creative potential.
  • Use this LifeSense Magazine for finding lifestyle tips, health and wellness articles, innovative trends and natural health discoveries.
  • Tap into the creative gifts and multi-faceted talents of LifeSense so that you can be on your way to Healing your Life and Reaching your Creative Potential.
  • It’s never to late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.

It’s time to stop and make the change you want to see in your life and for a better world.

No more excuses, Liapros of LifeSense to ask about the lifestyle counseling, strategic life and wellness consulting that is available.

Music is a Powerful Healer

Music Therapy can be extremely beneficial for people who suffer from an array of neurological conditions that include children with autism, brain injury trauma and concussions, stroke survivors, people with behavourial and mental disorders as well as those with Alzheimer’s disease.  Nurture with Music addresses these disorders and dysfunctions in the physical and emotional body through it’s unique music therapy immersed in nature so that these people can return to wholeness, optimal health and absolute wellness for a better quality of life no matter what age they are or what stage of their life they are in.

Nurture with Music takes a slightly different approach to the conventional methods of music therapy, whereby it is not so much based on the technicality, theory or the details of the different frequency, vibrations and melodic waves as it does in using music to stimulate the 5 senses plus the emotional/energy/metaphysical body.  Nurture with Music uses music to tap into the innate functions of the body, mind, heart and spirit on a cellular level through the melody vibration manipulation and stimulation of intricate sensory awareness through the ears, eyes, nose, mouth and the tactile sensory of the entire body. Nurture with Music likes to use nature and all it’s beautiful sounds, sacred geometry and designs as an additional stimuli in helping people recover, heal, rehab and reprogram their brain functions for a complete return to optimal health.

Nurture with Music, along with LifeSense by Liapros uses holistic wellness and innovative healing approaches for its Mind Body Heart Healing and Restorative Yin Wellness Retreats.  The body is treated holistically as one big entity that encompasses all mental, physical, emotional and energy bodies that are in disharmony and out of balance.  The fact that each note in an octave in music from C to B maps to each of the 7 endocrine centres in the body and therefore resonates organs, body parts, left, right, top, bottom, back and front of all bodies makes the Nurture with Music approach so effective and powerful in helping people heal from trauma, injury, hurt, pain, shock, anxiety and any imbalance and dysfunction in the physical body.

Music Therapy is effective in restoring these three brain functions in stroke survivors: Motor, Speech and Cognitive.


Since there is an intertwined connection between what we hear and movement, and because music is an organized and predictable stimulus, it is effective at improving the motor functions deficits that are left behind after a stroke.

A stroke survivor can have a more regular gait by walking to the beat of a familiar song. And playing instruments such as drums, piano or a triangle can encourage movement and improve strength and coordination in an affected arm.


Because singing and speaking use several similar processes such as respiration, making speech-like sounds and articulation, singing may improve speaking skills for some. Many times a person with aphasia may not be able to speak but can sing. This is because speech is processed and produced primarily in the left side of the brain.

On the other hand, music is processed and produced in multiple parts of the brain. Some of these overlap with speech centers and some do not. A therapist can stimulate and strengthen injured speech centers, or create new connections around injured areas to potentially help people speak again.


Music is highly engaging and activates multiple parts of the brain simultaneously, the way the sky lights up during a fireworks display. This makes it a perfect medium for helping people with left-side neglect and difficulty with attention. Music can be used to capture someone’s attention (focused attention), hold it for a period of time (sustained attention) and get the survivor to switch back and forth between two things (alternating attention).

Contact Us for more information on our Music Therapy programs and how music is used as part of the holistic healing innovations run by LifeSense.

music fb

Healing Power of Touch

The Healing Power of Touch featured in an archive edition of Life magazine back in 1997 is an excellent article that studies the numerous benefits for all ages of receiving massage therapy as a form of medicine.

magic of touch
Be it a premature new born infant that is clinging onto dear life needing therapeutic human touch, a new born baby becoming sensory aware, a teenager suffering from anorexia, an athlete needing a sports massage or a senior in a nursing home needing an on-site therapeutic massage to overcome depression – the effective physical and emotional benefits of being touched are endless.

“Touch is a primal need, as necessary as food, clothing and shelter”


Touch is our most intimate and powerful form of communication.  It can be aggressive – a finger jabbed into the chest, a slap in the face.  It can be tender – the hug that comforts a child, the hand on the shoulder that reassures a person with anxiety or a caress on the back to send someone to sleep.

Massage’s healing powers make it serious medicine.  Tactile (the perception and sensation of touch)
stimulation can be a matter of life and death for premature infants, seniors suffering from arthritis in a nursing home or for the teenage girl with anorexia who needs emotional reassurance or their physical body confidence renewed.


By stimulating the circulation and lowering stress hormones, massage eases stiffness and pain in arthritis sufferers.  Massage improves body image in people suffering from eating disorders.  When a group of office workers received a massage, they were tested with a math test and were able to complete the test more efficiently and effectively (with fewer errors) proving that massages can increase alertness and improve overall mental performance.

“Skin is the human body’s largest organ.  It accounts for 18% of our body weight and covers about 19 square feet.”

It’s a New Year, Time for Change!

​It’s another fresh new year and you are now one year wiser but have you been wavering back and forth at the crossroads of your life for quite some time now?  Was 2016 a pretty rough and tough year for you?  Leaving you depleted and simply craving for it to end it’s chaotic and turmoil shenanigans?  What about the many musicians and celebrities that went home too soon?


Are you blocked energetically, stuck emotionally or is your creativity simply stifled and you don’t know why?

Beware of those negative thinkers and naysayers who dreambust your aspirations and drain your energy for they are unaware.   

Surround yourself with those people that uplift you with their positive attitudes of gratitude, empowering you with sincere hope and abundance. 

A Lifestyle Change or Shift in Thinking is Needed

How about your new years resolution being the need for positive change in your life in 2017?

With every new year comes an opportunity to turn the page, close the chapter on the past that no longer serves you and to embrace the need for a fresh new change of uplifting energy that a new year brings.

Maybe you had that end of year wake up call aha moment or experienced the sudden loss of a loved one where you looked back on your life with multiple regrets of past hurt sayings of “I shoulda woulda coulda”.  With every new year’s day, it’s always healthy to take that classic approach of “out with the old and in with the new” in all areas of your life.  It’s recommended that you reflect on the previous year and get rid of any emotional baggage, limiting thought patterns and dense energies that weighed you down preventing you from living your truth and reaching your full creative potential.

The Mind versus Body Conflict

Is your mind saying one thing while your heart is wrestling with a past hurt, pain, guilt, regret or suppressed emotion?  Are you stuck in a dark rut, depression, feeling blocked, or lacking inspiration? For some reason your only solace is to turn to excessive alcohol consumption, drug addiction or eating comfort foods to handle unresolved emotions and suppressed feelings?

Meanwhile your body is aching with a persistent elbow and knee joint pain, lower back discomfort or you suffer from those monthly migraines and headaches?

Need something more than your over the counter Tylenol and Advil painkillers?  Do they seem to be making you feel numb, blah and without emotion?

It’s time to find more sustainable and alternative natural remedies for your physical ailments and to make positive lifestyle changes that you can make to begin your path to healing.

Can you hear that little inner voice prompting your mind and pulling at your heart strings signaling to your body that change is needed?

Once you become awakened by a sudden life changing event, a tragic situation, near death experience or a wake up call, it is very much like a light just went on and for once you have a glimpse into the clarity of what your life is truly about. For that split moment you can see your past, present and future all intertwined and it’s as if you know that things will never be the same again. In fact they would be significantly different but all for the better as you actually realize that your life has an underlying purpose and that you want to live it fully and with meaning! This little seed of light that just got planted is awaiting that defining moment when your conscious and sub-conscious mind both come to the same conclusion that change is needed.

It’s Time to Take Drastic Measures?

Perhaps you need to make some drastic changes.  Like making a significant life change of out with the old or everything that no longer serves you presently.  Perhaps a new home, new job, change of scenery, new friends or finding new creative outlets that nurture you from inside and out.

After all, your job title does not define you.  Your spouse is your other half, but in order for you to feel complete and at peace with the flow of life – you need to feel wholeness and contentment with yourself first.  Love yourself – accept your body, mind, heart and spirit unconditionally and without any judgement or criticism.

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

  • LifeSense | authentic living from the heart is your new best friend!
  • Your one-stop resource for a more authentic life, enabling you to reach your full creative potential.
  • Use this LifeSense Magazine for finding lifestyle tips, health and wellness articles, innovative trends and natural health discoveries.
  • Tap into the creative gifts and multi-faceted talents of LifeSense so that you can be on your way to Healing your Life and Reaching your Creative Potential.
  • It’s never too late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.

A Woman’s Worth

A diamond ring, a $1,000,000,000 or a pot of gold?

None of these monetary values can even compete to the real worth of a woman.

The softer, fairer and gentle sex from Venus is exactly that, the Divine Feminine Goddess of Beauty and Love.   A woman is nature’s example of true divine beauty, both inside and out, the Yin balance of loving, compassionate, calm, cool, curvy, precious, desirable and timeless.

happy free woman2

Did you know that many women in today’s society do not consider themselves worthy of love, worthy to be treated as an equal to men in society and in the workplace, and most of all worthy to begin accepting and loving themselves.  Women are severely under appreciated in the home, in society and in the workplace – so it’s about time for women to reclaim and own their divine feminine greatness!  For YOU ARE ENOUGH!

As humans, YOU are your own worst enemy and as women, you are your most lethal critique when it comes to scrutinizing yourself for not being enough, judging yourself for not being smart enough or punishing yourself for not being skinny enough.

Since when did people’s opinions, thoughts and words matter more than your own true feelings, became more important than your own cravings, or ruled over your own true desires and steamrolled your own needs?

It’s time to BREAK THAT PATTERN of feeling unworthy, unloved and undeserving, quit the blame game of shame as you have punished yourself for far too long already!

How about those women that repeatedly keep getting involved with the wrong kind of guys that do not man up and treat you with the tender love and care that you seek.  If this seems to be a trend in your life, perhaps it’s time to take a look at your own self worth, how you treat yourself and whether or not you feel that you are worthy.

Know that you are worthy?  You are LOVE.  You are here to be loved and to give love unconditionally.  And that you are worth it.  You are enough!

Above all you must Love Yourself and Accept Yourself for all that you are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

love me

If you continue to feel depressed, hopeless or unworthy because you are drowning in your own fear, anger, regret, worry and resentment from a past hurt, childhood trauma or unresolved conflict – please remember that FORGIVENESS is the LIBERATION OF THE SOUL.

Sometimes, when the darkness is overwhelming you it is hard to see the light of hope, love, peace and joy – but it’s all about changing your mindset, shifting your perspective from a fearful, limited and regretful lacking one to a loving, expansive and gratitude of abundance.

It is important to live your life from a place of gratitude, love and abundance and not resentment, hatred and scarcity.  Be grateful for your many blessings in your life, for every new day that you wake up, for the clean air that you breathe, for your baby’s smiling face and for the beauty that surrounds you in nature and in other living beings.


Sometimes, Music can help bring back the love into your life.  For when you let the music die in your house, the love is lost.  Through a combination of Music Therapy and Life Strategic Coaching, Nurture with Music and LifeSense can help you heal your life and restore the balance to your body, mind, heart and spirit.

Massage Therapy as Self Love

LIFE GETS BUSY, and sooner or later it takes over! And not in a good way.

Between your attempt to make ends meet, running a household, keeping your family together and not forgetting to have some fun occasionally – it is all too easy to forget about yourself, your wellness, your body and your overall well being.

It’s time to put yourself first for once.  It doesn’t matter whether you are an athlete, office worker or construction manager – your body will thank you for taking the time to notice that aching neck, that sore back or super tight quad muscles.  You shouldn’t have to live your life with a pain, ache or dysfunction.  Perhaps it is time to book that appointment with a Massage Therapist who can assess and review your body by palpating and massaging, touching your muscles and massaging the tension spots of your soft tissue and tendons with a fine tooth comb.

Massage Benefits

Why Choose Massage Therapy as your First Line of Defence?

Massage Therapy is not only for those fortunate ones with a life of luxury, or for those ladies of leisure who belong to those high-class luncheon clubs. In fact Massage Therapy offers benefits to a range of people, no matter what age, occupation or lifestyle – it should therefore be mandatory for every active person from the age of 12 through to 112!

Why is massage therapy necessary for optimal health and an active healthy life? 

In some cases you have already pre-diagnosed yourself at home having used the Internet, home remedy books or a piece of friend’s advice.  Typically, when you seek medical attention whether it is from your GP, a walk-in medical clinic, or a specialized procedures such as MRI, CT Scans or Surgery – you may be waiting in pain for days, weeks or months.  This is where massage therapy may offer significant benefits in helping you with more immediate pain relief, restoring physical function, or sustaining soft tissue and healthy muscles in your body.

Why not just listen to your body instead?


It knows better than any other person out there – try to be still and determine how you feel by listening to your body’s feelings, your heart, your mind and your inner soul (gut instinct or intuition). The answers are within you, and so is the capability for it to heal itself.

Stop putting in more poisonous substances and synthetic compounds into your body than you may already get from the food you eat, the air you breathe and the negative stress factors you are faced with in day-to-day life.

Massage Therapy is the most effective way to give your body a “once over” simply by having a 1 hour muscle relaxation massage with a registered massage therapist giving you professional, attentive and dedicated one-on-one care through “the power of touch“.  Stress relief is critical to your body functioning at its best. And what better way than to have somebody physically touch every muscular part of your body as a surface examination. You may discover pain points that you didn’t even know existed, and these could be the early tell tell signs of something bigger. So let Massage Therapy be your first line of defense.

Replace Household Cleaners with Essential Oils

If you are one of the many people out there that actually believe that these mass marketed and major branded household cleaners, air fresheners and cosmetics are actually safe to use in your home and to expose your family’s health as ” trial and error guinea pigs” you better think again and make the change to natural essential oil cleaners!

endocrine disruptors

It’s quite easy to be sold by that 30 second TV advertisement that shows the perfect housewife doing her family’s laundry while cleaning the entire house with chemically laced detergents, inhaling the toxic air fresheners and fumes while having her family put equally invasive soaps, creams and perfumes on their body.  The effectiveness of such products in cleaning your house to a shine may be true but when it is traded for you and your family’s health and wellness – it’s time to make a change!  There are so many hidden poisons and harmful pollutants in Febreze, Lysol, Dawn, Bounce and Glade that it may come as a rude awakening to you that you have been involuntarily exposing yourself to these products for the past 20 years or so!


Stop Using Air Fresheners, Household Cleaners and Dryer Sheets Today

All of these toxic chemicals seriously violate and severely disrupt the body’s respiratory system, natural fertility cycles, immune and defense system, brain-to-body neurology and the key endocrine centres by entering the system through the largest organ being the skin as well as by inhaling these toxins into the body through smell or simply being exposed to them in the home environment.  Your home is supposed to be a place of retreat, relaxation in a safe and harmonic environment.  So it is very important to maintain the home as a place of safety without any harmful toxins or negative energy, but instead a place for rejuvenating without judgement back to your natural self and optimal health.

For those living in the concrete jungle of a major modern city, you are already exposed to enough environmental toxins, secondary pollutants and synthetic chemicals when out and about in a metropolitan centre like London, Toronto, New York or Jakarta, or even when eating  out or drinking at a mainstream restaurant or branded cafe that doesn’t necessarily serve wholesome or local organic ingredients.


What’s Making You and Your Family Sick?

Are you tired of getting sick all the time?  Do you catch that latest cold virus that’s going around or that 36 hour stomach bug?  Are you having to suffer in pain during your monthly cycle or are you always getting those migraines whether it’s at home or at work?

The amount of toxic chemicals, pollutants and endocrine disruptors in mainstream household cleaners, cosmetics and air fresheners makes you wonder how these poisonous products can even be approved for retail to household consumers.

pain woman

Most air-fresheners contain 2, 5-dichlorophenol (2, 5-DCP), a metabolite of 1,4-dichlorobenzene, which has been associated with precocious puberty and other more serious health problems, such as cancer.  Room deodorizers are also found to contain endocrine-disrupting phthalates.  These estrogen mimickers can cause havoc for girls during puberty and on the reproductive system and fertility of childbearing aged women.

Now on to those dryer sheets.  How many toxins and pollutants are in the household favourite Bounce sheets?  And now there is Bounce combined with Febreze for an double dose of the toxic cocktail.

  • Forty-four percent of scented laundry products tested spewed at least one carcinogenic hazardous air pollutant. Some of these include acetaldehyde, 1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde.
  • Some of the more immediate dangers in laundry products include migraines, asthma attacks, eye and throat irritation and contact dermatitis.
  • In one mice study, fabric softening products triggered limited airflow and pulmonary irritation in the animals studied.
  • In 2009, nearly 10 percent of the general U.S. population reports irritation from scents coming out of dryer vents. By 2016, that number increased to more than 12 percent.
  • In a study focusing on hormone disruptors and asthma triggers in everyday products, Silent Spring Institute researchers found dryer sheets contained some of the highest concentrations of harmful fragrance chemicals. Compounds like acetyl hexamethyl tetralin, isobornyl acetate and phenethyl alcohol also turned up.

Remove these Dangerous Chemicals from Your Home

Mass media and advertising misleads you to believe that these chemically laced products are safe to use and are not harmful to your health because it says Febreze, Glade, Lysol, Dawn or Bounce “lemon scented”, “lavender flavored” or “citrus breeze fragrance”.  If you are suckered by this false advertising and mass marketing messages then it’s time rethink your family’s health and wellness and re-prioritize what they put in their bodies, and what chemicals they are exposed to in household cleaning products and in the home environment.

Fresh lemons

Guidelines to Avoid these Household Toxins

  • Avoid all pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Wash your food well to rid the pesticides. Bathe the washed food in a produce wash or ozonated water for 20 minutes before cooking.
  • Have a good water filter for your source of water.
  • Use only organic based whole foods when you can.
  • Buy hormone free meats and dairy products where possible.
  • Avoid plastic goods – they leach into the environment.
  • Do not microwave food in plastic containers, and especially avoid the use of plastic wrap to cover food for microwaving.
  • Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food.
  • Do not leave plastic containers, especially your drinking water, in the sun.
  • If a plastic water container has heated up significantly, throw it away – do not drink the water either.
  • Don’t use fabric softeners as it puts petrochemicals right on your skin.
  • Use a simple laundry and dish detergent with less chemicals.
  • Use organic soaps and toothpastes. Avoid fluoride.
  • Avoid creams and cosmetics that have toxic chemicals and estrogenic ingredients such as parabens and stearal konium chloride. Switch to natural alternatives.
  • Avoid nail polish and nail polish removers.
  • Use only naturally based perfumes. Most perfumes are petrochemically based.
  • Avoid surfactants found in many condoms and diaphragm gels.
  • Avoid new carpet – it can give off noxious fumes.
  • Avoid X-rays as much as possible.
  • Be aware of noxious gas such as that from copiers and printers, carpets, fiberboard, etc. Computer monitors can emit a high level of electromagnetic force (EMF).

Toxic Ingredients in Cleaning Products

1. Phthalates
Found in: most fragranced household products like air fresheners, dish soap
Labeled as: ‘fragrance’
*companies don’t have to disclose phthalates
Health Implications: Endocrine, reduced sperm count, asthma, migraines

2. Perchloroethylene (PERC)
Found In: Carpet & upholstery cleaner, spot remover, dry-cleaning solution
Health Implications: Neurotoxin, carcinogen,

3. Triclosan
Found In: Fabric softener (solution and sheets), ‘antibacterial’ cleaners
Health Implications: Promote growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria,   endocrine, carcinogen

4. Quartenary Ammonium Compouds (QUATS)
Found In: Fabric Softener (solution and sheets), ‘antibacterial’ cleaners
Health Implications: Promote growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria, skin irritant, asthma

5. 2-Butoxyethanol
Found In: Window, kitchen and all purpose cleaners
Labeled As: Labeling is not required
Health Implications: throat irritation, narcosis, pulmonary edema, liver and   kidney damage

6. Ammonia
Found In: Polishing agents ad glass cleaner
Health Implications: Asthma, chronic bronchitis (with chronic exposure)

7. Chlorine
Found In: Toilet bowl cleaner, mildew remover, tap water, laundry whitener
Health Implications: respiratory irritant, thyroid disruption

8. Sodium Hydroxide
Found In: Oven cleaner, drain declogger
Labeled as: also known as lye
Health Implications: Skin burns, throat irritation

To avoid these chemicals and still improve the air quality in your home, you can use essential oils and choose to use actual natural cleaners around the house.  Move to organic or natural body washes that contain essential lavender oil, almond oil, coconut oil or alternative non toxic skin creams and balms.  You can do one better and make your own household cleaning kit out of vinegar, lemon and essential oils.

natural cleaners

What Natural Alternatives Can I Use?

To get you started on detoxing your household cupboard and making your home space a safe, calm and zen place to relax and restore, here are some home-made recipes for making household cleaners and natural detergents that don’t harm you or the environment:


1 tablespoons borax

1 tablespoon washing soda

1 teaspoon dishwashing soap

1 cup vinegar

4 cups hot water

25-30 drops essential oil

Whisk all ingredients well in large bowl, then pour into spray bottle.  Spray on, then wipe surface clean with a damp cloth.  Can be used to clean and disinfect almost any surface!



1 ½ cups vinegar

1 ½ cup water

5-10 drops essential oil (optional)

Mix ingredients in spray bottle.  Spray on glass & use squeegee, crumpled newspaper.  (Tip: Use newspapers that are at least 2 weeks old to avoid black fingers!), or a lint-free rag to get a streak-free shine.  Also works well to shine chrome and countertops after you’ve disinfected them.


1 cup vinegar

½ cup baking soda

8-10 cups hot water

1 tablespoon borax

1 tablespoon washing soda

30 drops essential oil (optional)

Mix vinegar & baking soda together in bucket; add hot water, Borax, washing soda, & essential oil and mix until all powder is dissolved.  Use mop or sponge to wipe down floor; wipe dry with clean dry towel.


¾ cup olive oil

Juice from ¼ lemon

1 tablespoon vinegar

3-4 drops lemon essential oil (optional)

Dampen rag & squeeze out excess water.  Dip damp rag into furniture polish, then wipe on surface of furniture.  Buff off with an old towel.  Can also be used to polish stainless steel!


1 bar soap (e.g. Dr. Bronner’s pure-castile)

1 cup borax

1 cup washing soda

Place bar of soap in a large microwave safe bowl.  Heat in the microwave for 2 minutes, until soap turns to foam.  Quickly stir foam until it becomes small soap chips, then mix well with borax and washing powder.  Allow to cool completely, then store in airtight container.  Use 1-2 tablespoons per load.  (This detergent works best in warm or hot water; for cold water washing you may want to first dissolve in ¼ cup of hot water.)


¾ c. baking soda

Juice from ½ lemon (about ¼ c.)

3 tablespoons salt

3 tablespoons liquid dishwashing soap

½ c. vinegar

10 drops essential oil (optional)

Mix all ingredients together in a medium bowl to make a paste; use a scrub brush or sponge to apply to tub, shower walls, & sinks.  (Be sure to test a small area to make sure paste does not scuff tub surface; if so, eliminate the salt from the mixture!)  Rinse well w/ water and a wet rag, then dry w/ a clean rag or old towel.

For More Information:

You may visit Dr. Axe’s article on Synthetic Scents.

Visit Sweetgrass Naturals in Fort Langley for organic and natural products that cleanse the body, mind, spirit and your space.

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

  • LifeSense | authentic living from the heart is your new best friend!
  • Your one-stop resource for a more authentic life, enabling you to reach your full creative potential.
  • Use this LifeSense Magazine for finding lifestyle tips, health and wellness articles, innovative trends and natural health discoveries.
  • Tap into the creative gifts and multi-faceted talents of About LifeSense so that you can be on your way to Healing your Life and Reaching your Creative Potential.
  • It’s never to late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.

It’s time to stop and make the change you want to see in your life and for a better world.

No more excuses, Contact LifeSense to ask about the lifestyle counseling, strategic life and wellness consulting that is available.

Reclaim your Freedom in this Lifetime

The legendary Bob Marley had once said in his Redemption Song:

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind…”


Be honest and ask yourself.  Are you living your life in complete freedom?  Freedom to love and be love?  Free from judgement, ideology or another person’s control?  Is there something stopping you from reaching your highest potential?  A worry, a concern, a fear, a person, a thought or are you feeling overpowered by the trials and tribulations of day-to-day living?


Are you happy in your life?  Your current job?  Are you living your purpose?  Are you living a life filled with love and light?  Or is there something blocking you, making you feel dense and heavy instead of feeling free and feather light?

Are you living your own truth in your life or are you making your daily choices and decisions to please another, your mother, your sister, your brother or your boss?  Picture a society where money is no object – and that you didn’t have to work to make a living, to have a house, hot shower or place to call home?

Imagine being empowered to choose whether you work or don’t work, to live your life’s passion and purpose and to be authentically YOU.


What does freedom mean to you?

To live a fulfilled life with an underlying purpose? To thrive in your own authentic self and inner spirit? To be free to be who you really are without any judgement or stigma? To break the shackles of society and financial strain that keep you trapped in corporate slavery?

Reach for your creative potential in this lifetime.  Experience FREEDOM by being loving and accepting in your life today.

Let LifeSense by Liapros help you reclaim your freedom and restore the HOPE back into your life before it’s too late.

pink swan wings

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

  • LifeSense | authentic living from the heart is your new best friend!
  • Your one-stop resource for a more authentic life, enabling you to reach your full creative potential.
  • Use this LifeSense Magazine for finding lifestyle tips, health and wellness articles, innovative trends and natural health discoveries.
  • Tap into the creative gifts and multi-faceted talents of Pink Tiger Lily so that you can be on your way to Healing your Life and Reaching your Creative Potential.
  • It’s never too late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.

Breathing Consciously is Essential for Your Life

 Air is the most critical element for humans, with water following a close second as the source of all life.  Its no wonder that many of us take our ability to breath clean and fresh air for granted.


LifeSense by Liapros would like you to start breathing consciously and will be running a short blog series on the essentials for your vitality, in the meantime check out this clear and concise blog from the Movement as Medicine web site.


Learn to breathe. Learn to roll. Learn to crawl.

1. Breathing is the essence of life. You can go days without food, water, and sleep, but you can survive for only minutes without oxygen. You take 22,000 breaths per day. You read that right 22,000 breaths per day.

Thats 22,000 bad reps, if you’re doing it wrong, and I don’t see many people who get on my table who are doing it right. Imagine what your hips, knees, and spine would feel like if you did 22,000 bad squats in one day? Just look at the fascial connections between the diaphragm and the rest of your muscles…


As you can see above poor breathing patterns could contribute to TMJ, a stiff neck, an immobile thoracic spine, a weak core, a tight low back, a compromised pelvic floor, stiff hips, shin splints, ect…. You get the idea.

2. Rolling and crawling are a crucial part of our neurological development. If someone misses either of these steps while they’re developing, serious movement and learning disabilities can occur. Before you stood up and took your first steps, you rolled and crawled around on the ground to develop all the small intrinsic muscles you need for locomotion.

“Developmentally, the proprioceptive system is intimately tied to the vestibular system that allows the balance necessary to move from and inert position. Babies begin moving from the core muscles, the inner muscles of the trunk. There is constant feedback from the proprioceptors to the motor cortex of the brain that allows more and more complexity of movement. So babies go from the belly wiggle, to rolling over, to sitting up, to standing up, and finally walking” – pg 49 Smart Moves by Carla Hannaford

“We have known for years that children who miss the vitally important crawling stage may exhibit learning difficulties later on. Crawling, a cross-lateral movement, activated development of the corpus callosum (the nerve pathway between the two hemispheres of the cerebrum). This gets both sides of the body working together, including the arms, legs, eyes (binocular vision) and the ears (binaural hearing). With equal stimulation, the senses more fully access the environment and both sides of the body can move in a more integrated way for more efficient action.” – Pg. 112 Smart Moves by Carla Hannaford

These are also the same small muscles that over time atrophy and cause all sorts of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. How do we lose our abilities to roll and crawl? Inactivity. As a society we lack movement. At age 7 most of us stop exploring our environment and schools confine us into those horrible things called chairs. Sitting is the new smoking of our generation. We sit an average of 9.3 hours a day. Thats 2.5 hours more then we sleep (6.7 hours)!


 Remember: If you don’t use it, you lose it!

So how do we get it back? Here’s a good place to start:

  • Breathing
  • Rolling
  • Crawling
  • Train Movements, Not Muscles
  • Lift Heavy Sh*t With Great Form (Don’t forget this one. It’s just as important as the first 4)
  • Do Some Form of It Everyday

Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the ins and outs of breathing, rolling, and crawling. See my favorite resources below. Although none of this stuff is new, it’s going to become more and more common place amongst trainers and clinicians over the next few years. So get on the Training = Rehab, Rehab = Training train now. If you don’t, the trains leaving the station without you.