Category: Unconditional Love

Go Beyond the Illusion of Fear

What Created the Fear Bubble?

Did you know that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real?  Fear is the underlying negative motivator for a number of other negative emotions including Guilt, Worry, Anger, Resentment, Overwhelming, Hatred, Separation and Impatience.
That’s right, FEAR is just an illusion…something that the mind (ego) has drawn up as a virtual safety panic room for your mind, body and spirit to live within.

Apparently safe and secure, within your own survival instincts and beliefs that seem to protect you from the perceived “harmful” outside world and “dangerous” humanity of people that cannot be trusted.

It is highly likely that an experience in one’s early childhood created the fear bubble in the first place.  This initial experience or set of experiences could come down to a combination of the following:  one’s religious upbringing, parenting dynamic, sibling favoritism, being forced to do something against your will, or being branded, blamed and scolded by parents, teachers or authority figures.  These early childhood years “composite programming” could plant the seeds of one’s worthiness, control dramas, misplaced guilt, pleasing others or feeling embarrassed or hurt.

Fear is the Illusion of Separation from a United Mankind

In the grander scheme of things, your mind has invented this out of protection for your own separate identity and individuality however, the raw truth is that you are part of and the sum of all the collective consciousness of all living beings and thoughts that exists outside of yourself, but which are also driven from within you as part of the laws of attraction and reflection as you live in this false sense of security that you call your comfort zone.


Are you having trouble breaking free from the fear bubble that you have been born into by means of the system, society, child development programming, inside the box schooling and the fearful limitations that have been set by your adult influences in your childhood years?


Do you even realize that you are living automatically and unconsciously without any true purpose, passion or zest for life?  Do you feel that you are on your destined path of life?  Are you living your dreams as a reality or has the reality of life taken it’s toll on you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually?

Therefore resulting in a blockage energetically, emotionally and mentally whereby you feel you are stagnating and going around in circles with no real progress or living dynamically as life was meant to be lived.  Stifling your true creativity, ability to use your imagination and go beyond the false limitations that have been set by your mind’s safety net.

How to Break Free from the Fear Bubble?

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”

~ John Lennon

You may have heard that the mind is the ego.  Typically your mind comes from a place of ego, fear, worry, overwhelm, limitation and scarcity because of the way it has been heavily programmed by society since we were 5 – 15 years of age.  Half of the battle is being able to reverse these limited beliefs that prevent us from opening our mind completely to infinite possibilities and to a freedom without limitations.

  1. Be mindful to your inner thoughts, judgements, ways of thinking and verbally expressing how you are feeling.  Be true to your feelings and emotions, becoming transparent with your inner thoughts and cravings rather than letting the ego put up a wall of protection, insincerity and false pretense called a “front”.  Many use meditation techniques or mindful exercises like square breathing or deep thinking techniques.
  2. Observe and acknowledge the raw feeling as thoughts and childhood control dramas for what they are: anger, frustration, worry, resentment, self-hatred, pain, hurt and disrespect – and being able to release them in a controlled fashion (screaming, beating a punching bag, running for miles, banging your fists or pushing against a wall) with a positive outlet so that these suppressed feelings can be released for good never to be seen again.  After all, the mind is the brains, is the “controller” so through mind over matter, the mind can be the positive force for when your body is feeling low, fatigue and dysfunctional.
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    3. Stop the negative thinking, and turn it into positive.  Transmuting negative thinking, emotions and feelings into positive outlooks e.g. “I hate it when it rains because it makes me gloomy and I can’t go outside to do things” is such a negative and limiting belief that can be changed into “I like it when it rains here because the trees need water to keep it looking lush, on a rain day I can snuggle up on the couch with a warm cup of cocoa and a nice book.”
    4. Stop blaming yourself, stop being hard on yourself.  No more self criticizing or judgements – change these destructive thought patterns into positive affirmations, praises and acknowledgements of gratitude and blessings.  Come from a place of abundance, love and openness rather than from a place of scarcity, resentment and closed mindfulness.  Begin to love yourself unconditionally, and accept who you are mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually without judgement.  Understand that everything that has happened in your life up until this point has happened for a reason, has brought you to where you are today.
    5. Learn when to be appropriately quiet, and when to be vocal.  Verbally expressing one’s mind takes energy, and also has a significant cause and effect impact on the people around you and your surroundings.  That said, sometimes SILENCE IS GOLDEN.  Saying Less IS More.  If you do not have something positive to say, it is best to say nothing rather than to start up or enter into a negative confrontation.  Internally you can process the feeling in a healthy fashion.  Being calm and composed requires self control, integrity and solidarity.  On the flip side to that, sometimes it is necessary for you to express yourself verbally because the outcome would be so fruitful and beneficial to those around you.

Now that you have clarity because your mind’s thoughts are driven from love and not fear, your angle of perception has become that much wider, almost like a big picture aerial view of scenarios in your day-to-day life.  Looking at some of these tense situations from 10,000 feet gives it a whole new perspective in the grand scheme of things and in the context of the greater good.

Once you overcome your greatest fear in life, you can begin to feel a freedom like no other, the infinite possibilities of where your life can take you begin to open up, as you expand your perspective and go beyond the limitations and boundaries that kept you small and entrapped.  BREAK THIS FEAR PATTERN ONCE AND FOR ALL SO THAT YOU CAN FREE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR HEART TO LIFE, TO LOVE AND LIGHT!

A Woman’s Worth

A diamond ring, a $1,000,000,000 or a pot of gold?

None of these monetary values can even compete to the real worth of a woman.

The softer, fairer and gentle sex from Venus is exactly that, the Divine Feminine Goddess of Beauty and Love.   A woman is nature’s example of true divine beauty, both inside and out, the Yin balance of loving, compassionate, calm, cool, curvy, precious, desirable and timeless.

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Did you know that many women in today’s society do not consider themselves worthy of love, worthy to be treated as an equal to men in society and in the workplace, and most of all worthy to begin accepting and loving themselves.  Women are severely under appreciated in the home, in society and in the workplace – so it’s about time for women to reclaim and own their divine feminine greatness!  For YOU ARE ENOUGH!

As humans, YOU are your own worst enemy and as women, you are your most lethal critique when it comes to scrutinizing yourself for not being enough, judging yourself for not being smart enough or punishing yourself for not being skinny enough.

Since when did people’s opinions, thoughts and words matter more than your own true feelings, became more important than your own cravings, or ruled over your own true desires and steamrolled your own needs?

It’s time to BREAK THAT PATTERN of feeling unworthy, unloved and undeserving, quit the blame game of shame as you have punished yourself for far too long already!

How about those women that repeatedly keep getting involved with the wrong kind of guys that do not man up and treat you with the tender love and care that you seek.  If this seems to be a trend in your life, perhaps it’s time to take a look at your own self worth, how you treat yourself and whether or not you feel that you are worthy.

Know that you are worthy?  You are LOVE.  You are here to be loved and to give love unconditionally.  And that you are worth it.  You are enough!

Above all you must Love Yourself and Accept Yourself for all that you are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

love me

If you continue to feel depressed, hopeless or unworthy because you are drowning in your own fear, anger, regret, worry and resentment from a past hurt, childhood trauma or unresolved conflict – please remember that FORGIVENESS is the LIBERATION OF THE SOUL.

Sometimes, when the darkness is overwhelming you it is hard to see the light of hope, love, peace and joy – but it’s all about changing your mindset, shifting your perspective from a fearful, limited and regretful lacking one to a loving, expansive and gratitude of abundance.

It is important to live your life from a place of gratitude, love and abundance and not resentment, hatred and scarcity.  Be grateful for your many blessings in your life, for every new day that you wake up, for the clean air that you breathe, for your baby’s smiling face and for the beauty that surrounds you in nature and in other living beings.


Sometimes, Music can help bring back the love into your life.  For when you let the music die in your house, the love is lost.  Through a combination of Music Therapy and Life Strategic Coaching, Nurture with Music and LifeSense can help you heal your life and restore the balance to your body, mind, heart and spirit.

Depression is Anger Turned Inwards

The Cruelty of Society Towards those with Depression

Forget about all that negative stigma that surrounds that taboo word – DEPRESSION, whether it stems from an emotional disorder, mental block or imbalance, psychological trauma or something more serious.  It is a big shame that society creates such stigma and treats those with depression as some contagious and viral disease like scurvy that is perceived as “self-inflicted” or brought on by the sufferer’s lack of strength, will and courage to seize life but to be honest, WHO ARE THEY TO JUDGE ANOTHER LIKE THAT?

“Anger is energizing although it may be seen as a negative and volatile emotion.  However, DEPRESSION is ANGER TURNED INWARD because it has nowhere else to go – and at it’s worst leaving the victim feeling lost, empty and without a reason to live.”

Depression goes way beyond just mental health.  And suicides are happening much more often than we know, or that the media reports.  It is our place not to judge those that have taken their lives.  Read more about how to spot the signs of depression in the people around you, loved ones, friends and strangers!


These people in society that are cruel and continue to judge those who are depressed from the comfort of their own happy lives could not be more wrong and the lack of compassion for those that suffer from depression is extremely sad.

More People Suffer from Depression than you Know

Depression is such an all-encompassing condition or state of being that includes some of the most common dysfunctions and disorders that plague 60% of those in both the developed and developing countries alike.  It is not a condition of the “rich and famous”, “lonely housewives” or those with “too much time on their hands” – it is a serious disorder that effects everyone that has gone through heartbreak and pain whether it is losing a loved one, being betrayed or abandoned.  A person who is depressed does not need to be diagnosed as a clinical depressed to know that they are feeling down.


Feeling depressed even for one day, one hour or one year is in itself a QUIET CRY FOR HELP for someone to simply listen with empathy and hold space for this person so that they can feel empowered once again and recover from the pain, hurt, regret, self-hatred and guilt that has been suppressed but which begins to show itself in fear-driven patterns in the person’s current life.

“Did you know that a staggering 60% of the general adult population suffer from mild to severe depression whether it is acutely or chronically?  For most, they suffer in silence, in shame and in complete isolation.  The pain may not be physical but so heartbreaking and gut-wrenching that it is the only thing that reminds the victim that they are alive.”

Going Beyond Western Medicine

Western medicine has an official label for DEPRESSION as if it is primarily a physical condition called clinical depression and a patient is typically prescribed medication such as Prozac and Xanax that suppresses the physical and mental symptoms.   Unfortunately, this medication blindly creates even more negative side effects that basically leave the victim feeling completely numb emotionally to the point of not being able to feel anything, feeling even more confused, foggy and helpless and literally even more blah mentally, physically low with very little will to open their eyes, eat or to go outside.  If anything, western medication isolates the victim even further as they become recluse, embarrassed and feel that they are a burden to their loved ones and friends breeding further self-hatred, shame and guilt.  LifeSense can help you overcome depression through natural methods and making drastic but positive lifestyle changes.


The root of Depression runs very deep indeed – it’s like peeling several layers of an onion to get to the centrepiece that contains the key to one’s heart so that it can be opened once again.

“Depression is the result of someone that has become overwhelmed by LIFE, by childhood developmental traumas, multiple heartbreaks from relationships, countless emotional hurts and the feeling of not being worthy of LOVE for themselves or another person.  To the point that the mind has convinced the heart to close up as a way to protect itself, while the feeling of hopelessness, despair and fear digs a deeper hole that one cannot climb out of.”

Predominantly it is how one values themselves, how worthy one feels, and whether they feel they deserve to be happy as they are completely dis-empowered by the countless heartaches, pains, hurt and disappointments by themselves and others in their life.

They suffer in silence and in isolation most of the time, and for some others sadly continue to live in constant anxiety, fear, trauma, self blame and despair having lost all hope, love, light and joy in their life.


Find out how LifeSense can help you Break Free from the Fear Bubble and  come out of the darkness into the light so that you can overcome your past hurt experiences properly so that you can begin to live an authentic, happy and fruitful life once again.

To get you started, why not read the following articles under the Inspire category to refuel your will to live free without pain and to your full potential.  Schedule a Life Strategy Session one-on-one in person or remotely so that you can be guided, supported and walked through your entire life’s pains while the Coach holds space for you to release those suppressed emotions and hurt in a healthy manner.  After just a few sessions with the LifeSense Coach, and you will begin to get the clarity you need and be able to feel whole again!  To feel lighter and to experience a freedom to live without any limitation.  OWN YOUR GREATNESS 🙂

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Reclaim your Freedom in this Lifetime

The legendary Bob Marley had once said in his Redemption Song:

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind…”


Be honest and ask yourself.  Are you living your life in complete freedom?  Freedom to love and be love?  Free from judgement, ideology or another person’s control?  Is there something stopping you from reaching your highest potential?  A worry, a concern, a fear, a person, a thought or are you feeling overpowered by the trials and tribulations of day-to-day living?


Are you happy in your life?  Your current job?  Are you living your purpose?  Are you living a life filled with love and light?  Or is there something blocking you, making you feel dense and heavy instead of feeling free and feather light?

Are you living your own truth in your life or are you making your daily choices and decisions to please another, your mother, your sister, your brother or your boss?  Picture a society where money is no object – and that you didn’t have to work to make a living, to have a house, hot shower or place to call home?

Imagine being empowered to choose whether you work or don’t work, to live your life’s passion and purpose and to be authentically YOU.


What does freedom mean to you?

To live a fulfilled life with an underlying purpose? To thrive in your own authentic self and inner spirit? To be free to be who you really are without any judgement or stigma? To break the shackles of society and financial strain that keep you trapped in corporate slavery?

Reach for your creative potential in this lifetime.  Experience FREEDOM by being loving and accepting in your life today.

Let LifeSense by Liapros help you reclaim your freedom and restore the HOPE back into your life before it’s too late.

pink swan wings

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

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  • Tap into the creative gifts and multi-faceted talents of Pink Tiger Lily so that you can be on your way to Healing your Life and Reaching your Creative Potential.
  • It’s never too late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.