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Be Gentle with You

We all know too well that life can literally pass you by at a mile a minute and get extremely busy that before you know it 5 years can pass by in a flash, or you wake up one day to look in the mirror and find your 45 year old self staring back at you as you wonder where all those years went.


Now pause for a minute before you become your typical judgmental and critical self as you wonder what you have achieved, accomplished or done with the four decades that have escaped you…

“Why haven’t I found Mr Right yet?”

“I feel like a failure as a woman because I haven’t had children yet”

“I never made it to VP on the corporate ladder.”

“I didn’t get to buy that mansion on Park Royal Mountain”

“I never lost that extra weight before I was in my 30s”

“I didn’t buy that Ferrari before I hit 40”

Stop the scrutiny, stop these negative limited beliefs, these what if and what could have been regretful thought patterns!  Can you ask yourself one truthful underlying question as you reflect on your life…

Have you been living an authentic and conscious life filled with many fruitful new experiences, ever lasting memories and eye-opening life lessons?


Does your life memories bring you joy, laughter and nostalgic love?

Is there something stopping you from feeling your greatest?  A worry, a past trauma, a creative block or certain individual in your life that is disrupting the peace, harmony and that happy feeling of loving life to it’s fullest?

Can you rise above the drama, stress and day-to-day challenges to the bigger picture, the end-game or that ultimate purpose of life?

Have you been giving and receiving love freely in all your social circles or have you been holding back through fear of getting hurt?

3 Tips on How to Be Gentle to Yourself by LifeSense

  1. Stop being so critical when looking in the mirror every morning.  The next time you see yourself in a mirror, how about you tell yourself how much you love your eyes, your skin complexion or beautiful smile?  Embrace your inner beauty both inside and out.  => Identify 3 physical assets or personality traits that you are grateful for having?
  2. Love, forgive, accept and be thankful for YOU.  The next time you are day dreaming, pondering or doing some introspection and stumble on a memory, worry, past hurt or limiting belief – don’t just sweep it under the carpet, instead why not process the unresolved feeling in a healthy way?  Instead of letting it stay suppressed within your physical and emotional body causing dis-ease – why not release it into the universe so that it doesn’t stop you from being your true greatness.  => Affirm with the following Hawaiian shaman self-healing technique of “I Love You.  I Forgive You.  I Am Sorry.  Thank You” to acknowledge the life lesson as just that so it doesn’t accumulate into karmic debt or negative feelings.
  3. Stop caring about what other people think.  Live your own authentic life because you want to.  Be sure to differentiate between living your own authentic and original life path rather than living the life that your parents expect of you, or that you think your best friend wants or because of that illusion of society’s idealism pressure.  The next time you are about to make a decision on what to eat, take that next step in your career or buy that Mercedes Benz – pause and check in with yourself.  Ask yourself why you are choosing to eat that salad, and for whom you are working that 40 hr work week and why you want the Mercedes status symbol.

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

  • LifeSense | authentic living from the heart is your new best friend!
  • Your one-stop resource for a more authentic life, enabling you to reach your full creative potential.
  • Use this LifeSense Magazine for finding lifestyle tips, health and wellness articles, innovative trends and natural health discoveries.
  • Tap into the creative gifts and multi-faceted talents of Pink Tiger Lily so that you can be on your way to Healing your Life and Reaching your Creative Potential.
  • It’s never to late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.

It’s time to stop and make the change you want to see in your life and for a better world.

No more excuses, Contact Pink Tiger Lily to ask about the lifestyle counseling, strategic life and wellness consulting that is available.

The Yin Yang Balance

Imbalance of Yin and Yang Energy Flow in the Body

Just because a man is considered a Yang force doesn’t mean he doesn’t have both Yin and Yang flowing through his veins and nerves.  Actually, the yang flow in both men and women flows downwards in circular motions and the yin flow typically flows upwards from the ground feet through the navel upwards.

yin yang
Yang Imbalance

Now where most of the energy imbalances for both men and women occur is in the upper body where the yang flow cannot make it down to the bottom half of the body therefore the person is stuck in a fear, anger, panic, overwhelm, worry, impatience and anxiety pattern.

=> This wreaks havoc on the body and shows up as heart attacks, heart problems, lung cancer, brain aneurysms or high blood pressure.

Yin Imbalance

Likewise for a woman, though she is considered primarily a Yin force doesn’t mean that she doesn’t experience Yang stagnation in her upper body.  Though it is more pervasive to see a Yin flow stagnation in women and widely diagnosed or misdiagnosed as an auto-immune disorder that has no cure in the western medicine sphere.  A lot of women suffer from Yin flow stagnation whereby the life force energy Qi or Prana cannot make it up from the feet, through the pelvic cavity to the heart and then brain.


Now where most of the energy imbalances for both men and women occur is in the mid to lower body where the yin flow cannot make it up to the top half of the body therefore the person is stuck in a self-worth, unloved, dis-empowered, self-hatred and self-blaming pattern.

=> Causing many dysfunctions and blockages in the Prostrate, Uterus, Ovaries, Thyroid Gland and Fallopian Tubes.  It doesn’t help that the toxins in food, environment and water cause endocrine disruptions to the 7 endocrine centres leading to auto-immune disorders.  In most cases, the Spleen, Liver, Gall Bladder, Heart and other major organs are heavily taxed by the many toxins entering the body causing stagnation.

 Early Signs of Depression in Men

The Men (yang) have it especially tough, in some respects more than women (yin) when it comes to living in chronic depression or showing any signs of emotional weakness as they are taught from childhood to hide their feelings, man up and be tough, macho and basically invincible in every situation.  Nothing can “break” the man’s pride, ego or that wall of protection and superficial arrogance – as this is their natural defense mechanism to survive the countless of heartbreaks, childhood disappointments, hurt, pain, abuse and resentment. 
Signs to look out for of chronic depression and emotional stagnation for the men in your life, since in most cases they are completely unaware and unconscious of their behaviour patterns: 

  • Bitterness, anger and resentment to those around them
  • Countless of heartaches, heartbreaks, loss, pain, regret, guilt and self-blame
  • Limited belief, fear-driven bubble, misery loves company
  • Feeling of hopeless, despair and depletion to the point of wanting to die
  • Clouded judgement and false sense of reality
  • Closing up when asked to talk about their feelings, sweeping under the carpet
  • Negative thinking in all aspects of life, even those which should be joyful
  • Irrational behaviour in day-to-day living due to lack of physical needs being satisfied
  • Child like attention seeking episodes from childhood trauma patterns that haven’t been addressed
  • Arrogance, pride and ego with very little signs of grace, being humble, compassionate or calm
  • Not caring for their appearance, health and basic needs of food, water and air
  • Always seeing the glass half empty and not half full
  • Down in the dumps, feeling low and mentally as well as physically fatigued
  • Loss of zest for life, love and ability to appreciate the joys of music, beauty, nature and their blessings in life
  • Physical symptoms of depression – lack of a healthy balance between exercise, nutrition and positive relationships in life, chronic fatigue, backed up, blocked physically, stagnant energy in the most weakest part of the body for a man – testicular cancer, or a previously injured body part that keeps getting injured – reoccurring until the lesson is learned.
  • Surrounding themselves in misery, darkness and their own fear turmoil as the only way to escape their pain.
  • Pretentious, passively aggressive, fearful but pretends to be stronger than he really is, etc.
  • Suffer in silence and isolated, until their only escape is suicide.

Tell tell Signs of Depression in Women

The Women (yin) also have a very hard time expressing their true feelings, their hurt, their disappointments and heartbreaks because in most cases as women are severely underappreciated in society, in the workplace and in the home.  The women in our lives are run down by life, household responsibilities, looking after the children, keeping the family home together and in many cases working a 9-5 job – when all is said and done, there is very little time for them to even check in with how they are feeling deep inside.

Many women tend to hide their true feelings, suffer in despair, distress and depression without anyone knowing.  Sometimes she is not aware that she is on her way to an emotional breakdown.  Society stigma says that a woman should be able to be resilient and tolerant of emotional pain, female estrogen dominant conditions and physical pain related to auto-immune disorders – since it comes with the territory of being able to reproduce, give birth, have periods and basically be superwoman.

Signs to look out for of chronic depression and emotional turmoil for the women in your life, since in most cases they have no time to even take 5 minutes to brush their hair yet alone to check in with how they really feel:

pain woman
  • Shame, guilt, self-hatred and deprivation for their own life and needs
  • Severely under appreciated, unworthy, abused, disrespected and victim of manipulation and bullying
  • Countless of heartaches, heartbreaks, question of self-worth, feeling unloved
  • Suffering from a painful estrogen dominance condition, auto-immune disorder or thyroid issue
  • Acquired pride, ego and tough and passive aggressive but false hard exterior for defense
  • Displacement theory of emotions on those close to them out of frustration and lack of self-love and worth
  • Feeling worthless, unloved, maternal bonding issues and powerless
  • Self-sacrificing their desires and needs by putting other people’s happiness above themselves
  • Limited belief, fear-driven bubble, misery loves company
  • Clouded judgement and false sense of reality
  • Suffering in isolation by thinking she is a burden on her loved ones
  • Negative thinking in all aspects of life, even those which should be joyful
  • Unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel
  • Irrational behaviour in day-to-day living due to lack of physical needs being satisfied
  • Child like attention seeking episodes from childhood trauma patterns that haven’t been addressed
  • Arrogance, pride and ego with very little signs of grace, being humble, compassionate or calm
  • Not caring for their appearance, health and basic needs of food, water and air
  • No energy to dress up, be pretty or go out
  • Barely any drive to get up, eat or open their eyes every morning
  • Always seeing the glass half empty and not half full
  • Down in the dumps, feeling low and mentally as well as physically fatigued
  • Loss of zest for life, love and ability to appreciate the joys of music, beauty, nature and their blessings in life
  • Physical symptoms of depression – lack of a healthy balance between exercise, nutrition and positive relationships in life, chronic fatigue, female reproductive issues, blocked physically, stagnant energy in the most weakest part of the body for a woman – uterine cancer, estrogen dominance conditions, auto-immune dysfunctions or a previously injured body part that keeps getting injured – reoccurring until the lesson is learned.
  • Surrounding themselves in misery, darkness and their own fear turmoil as the only way to escape their pain.
  • Pretentious, passively aggressive, fearful but pretends to be stronger than she really is, etc.
  • Not enough joy in their life, the music has died, no more love, depleted and destroyed of their natural ability to love, give and be compassionate
  • Overwhelming feeling of hurt, abandonment, disappointment, despair and hopelessness.
  • Unsupported by society, shamed because of stigma of “depression”.
  • Suffer in silence and isolated, until their only escape is suicide.
“Anger is energizing although it may be seen as a negative and volatile emotion.  However, DEPRESSION is ANGER TURNED INWARD because it has nowhere else to go – and at it’s worst leaving the victim feeling lost, empty and without a reason to live.”
Find out how LifeSense can help you Break Free from the Fear Bubble and  come out of the darkness into the light so that you can overcome your past hurt experiences properly so that you can begin to live an authentic, happy and fruitful life once again.

To get you started, why not read the following articles under the Inspire category to refuel your will to live free without pain and to your full potential.  Schedule a Life Strategy Session one-on-one in person or remotely so that you can be guided, supported and walked through your entire life’s pains while the Coach holds space for you to release those suppressed emotions and hurt in a healthy manner.  After just a few sessions with the LifeSense Coach, and you will begin to get the clarity you need and be able to feel whole again!  To feel lighter and to experience a freedom to live without any limitation.  OWN YOUR GREATNESS!

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Do what you need to do to refuel your creativity, inspiration and innovation in your life today. What is your passion in life?  Travel, music, art, writing or spreading joy? If you didn’t need to work tomorrow for money to survive, what would you choose to do? Everyday is a new choice, empower your true self and reclaim your freedom to be You!

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

  • LifeSense | authentic living from the heart is your new best friend!
  • Your one-stop resource for a more authentic life, enabling you to reach your full creative potential.
  • Use this LifeSense Magazine for finding lifestyle tips, health and wellness articles, innovative trends and natural health discoveries.
  • It’s never too late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.

It’s time to stop and make the change you want to see in your life and for a better world.

No more excuses, contact LifeSense to ask about the lifestyle counseling, strategic life and wellness consulting that is available.